Ukrainian artist Lesia Babliak's painting "Like in a movie” on my Invasion CD
"Like in a movie”
Ukrainian artist Lesia Babliak's painting Like in a movie on my Invasion: Music and Art for Ukraine release is featured in the piece "Invasion" and tells the following heartbreaking story of Lesia's experience. Please read it below, this is what many people in Ukraine went/go through every day, and these are the lucky ones, who survive:
“Everything changed so fast. Bombs were flying, columns of russian tanks were shelling our village. First, they destroyed a maternity ward, a school, and residential multilevel apartment buildings. While sheltering in the basement, the sounds that came were so horrifying that we bent down and opened our mouths wide open so that we wouldn’t be deafened.
The whole time I listened to projectiles flying somewhere above, guessing where they will land. These sounds above your head can make you go mad. To be distracted from it just a little bit, I wrote a diary on my phone. And even then, one thought wouldn’t leave my mind—tomorrow it will all end. But the next morning there were more tanks. Even closer than before. From the news I found out that our village might get surrounded...
The decision to go away was made quickly. After 20 minutes we locked our house, took the documents, warm jackets, and left through the field... I can barely remember these 20 minutes. It’s impossible to prepare for things like that. We were saving our lives. I didn’t know where our dog and cat were at that moment. We had to leave them. We had to leave everything. That was the moment, I thought it couldn’t get worse...
My village Buzova of Bucha District, Kyiv region was a battlefield. The tyrants were shelling residential areas and cars with peaceful people in them on purpose. Not giving access to create humanitarian corridors. People were dying and were buried in their backyards.
Now I see the tragedy of my people through the lenses of photographers and pictures from social networks, while staying in Lviv. These photos are what I draw from, while trying to ease my pain. Because they came to kill us. russia. Every single one of us. The whole Ukraine. I currently and every evening have only one thing on my mind— I’ll wake up and the war will be over... I want to come back to my home.”
All proceeds from Invasion album go to support Ukraine humanitarian aid. Listen and purchase: